Sunday, November 2, 2014

K2Know - IT || EP.70 Bring the Old Windows Taskbar to Life in Windows 7

Bring the Old Windows Taskbar to Life in Windows 7

Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 7, brings a slew of tweaks and improvements. While most adjustments are under the hood, the graphical user interface has received a facelift as well. One of the first changes you will notice is the revamped taskbar. Unofficially dubbed the "Superbar," this new feature is essentially a mash-up of the traditional Windows Quick Launch/taskbar and the Mac OS X dock.
Windows 7 Superbar
As it's often the case with any significant change in the way we use software, opinions will vary. While many like to stick to the "if it's not broken, don't fix it" philosophy, I happen to like the new taskbar a lot. Unfortunately for the those of you who don't, defaulting to the ways of old isn't as simple as unchecking Superbar in favor of Quick Launch, so you'll have to get a little hands-on. Keep reading to bring back the taskbar you're familiar with.
Start by right clicking the Superbar, mouse over Toolbars and click New toolbar. When prompted to enter a folder directory, paste the following string of text:

%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

Then click Select Folder.
A labeled Quick Launch bar should appear near the clock.
To configure the Quick Launch bar to how it was in previous versions of Windows, you'll have to make a few swift changes. Start by right clicking the Superbar and unchecking Lock the taskbar. You should see a few dotted lines appear near the Quick Launch bar.
Next, right click on the Quick Launch bar, uncheck Show text, and Show title. Then you'll need to right click on all your Superbar icons and unpin them.
Grab the dotted lines near the Quick Launch bar and pull it all the way to the Start button. By doing so, the bar where your applications load will be bumped near the clock - so pull those dotted lines back to the left near your Quick Launch bar.
Now, your open applications will still be using Windows 7's small collapsed buttons instead of the long text-filled ones. To change that, right click on the Superbar and head into Properties.
Click the drop down menu next to Taskbar buttons and choose either of the last two options. When you're done, click Ok and recheck Lock the taskbar.
The finished product should look something like this:
Windows 7 using the traditional taskbar with quick launch buttons
Did you know?
Microsoft first introduced a taskbar with Windows 95. Its design remained largely unchanged until the modifications seen in Windows 7.

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K2Know - IT || EP.69 Should You Install Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit?

Should You Install Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit?

With the upcoming release of Windows 7, the question is raised again on whether you should install the 32-bit version (x86) of the operating system or move up to 64-bit (x64). This is something that's been asked since the introduction of consumer-level processors bearing the “x64” nomenclature. It feels like just yesterday that Intel and AMD fanboys were at odds over the Athlon 64. At that time and even as recently as the introduction of Windows Vista, software and drivers for 64-bit setups were slim-pickings.
Analogous to the shift from 16 to 32-bit computing, the jump to 64-bit has been a slow one. Windows XP x64 never took off, though 64-bit versions of Vista did, thankfully. The ride was a bumpy one, but hardware manufacturers and software developers alike have finally widely adopted the 64-bit architecture - and there’s no turning back now.
At this point in time, nearly everyone is on the same page about the transition. If your old video card and printer have yet to receive 64-bit compatible drivers, odds are they won’t be getting any. A boatload of legacy hardware support was dropped with Windows Vista, and Windows 7 certainly won’t pick it back up, regardless of which version you install.
Now, you’re probably wondering why 64-bit operating systems are being phased in and what benefits they deliver over their 32-bit predecessors – both legitimate questions. One of the most commonly cited differences is that the 32-bit architecture has a memory access limit of 4GB (2^32 bytes). This permits you to use about 2.75-3.5GB of RAM after IO reservations are factored in.
On paper, the 64-bit architecture can address 16 exabytes of memory (2^64), or more than 4 billion times that of its precursor. Consumer editions of Windows Vista permit from 8GB to 128GB of physical memory to be accessed, depending on the version. Windows 7 bumps that up to 192GB with the Professional version and above.
Other benefits of running a 64-bit OS include enhanced security with hardware-backed DEP, Kernel Patch Protection and mandatory driver signing.
This is all just scratching the surface, but I suppose the real question should be:
Why shouldn’t you install Windows x64?
The short answer is that you should go with Windows 7 64-bit unless you’re running a system well into its antiquity where driver support is going to become an issue.
Microsoft has useful online tools that can scan your system and external peripherals and give you an outlook of what's currently supported and what's not. A few useful links:
- Windows Vista Compatibility Center
- Windows 7 Compatibility Center (not yet available)
- Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor

Did you know?
Retail versions of Windows 7 will include both 32-bit & 64-bit discs on the box in case you are undecided or prefer to make the jump to the 64-bit version of the OS at a later time.

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K2Know - IT || EP.68 No apps left behind: A backup checklist before reinstalling

No apps left behind: A backup checklist before reinstalling

Whether you're upgrading or repairing your computer, at some point in time you'll be faced with the task of reinstalling your operating system, especially in the Windows world. As I can personally attest, most of the frustration with starting fresh comes from losing your installed programs and customized settings with them. Sure, you can create tweaked installation discs to automate the process and have all your drivers, programs and settings already in place. The problem is that most people won't reinstall Windows more than once or twice a year. When the time comes to use your customized OS disc, new versions of your programs and drivers will have been released.
Despite serious attempts to be organized, almost every time that I reinstall my OS I manage to forget something. It's a phenomenon that forever haunts me, and I know I'm not alone. But being the clever guy that I am, after years of curiously skimming my programs folder trying to determine what's missing, I've decided to create a checklist. Never again will my stomach knot up on the first Windows boot after realizing that I overwrote a year's worth of saved games.
Sadly, the mind behind this list is the same flawed creature responsible for my troubles to begin with; so please, if you have something to add, share it with us in the comments.
The Checklist
  • Typical user folder data:
    All your documents, pictures, music, videos, downloads, contacts and so on.
    If you are a tiny bit organized most of these files should reside in Windows' Documents folder.
  • Email data and Address Book:
    All your emails, address book, rules, accounts, etc.
    Gmail is a godsend but call me old fashioned, I still like to have my local copy of emails stored in Outlook. Luckily it's super easy to save all your emails to a .pst file. Whether you use Outlook, Thunderbird, Eudora or any other email client, there's additional data you may want to save like your address book, email rules, or even the mail accounts themselves.
  • Game data:
    Saved games and configuration files.
    Many modern Windows games will save your sessions within the My Documents folder or your user profile's folder. If not, you will have to travel to each game's folder and figure out which are the files needed to be saved.
  • Browser-related data:
    Bookmarks/Favorites, custom settings, and add-ons.
    This can be done painfully easy by a number of Firefox add-ons (scroll down to our Did you Know? tip for a link). For other browsers you may have to resort to less automated processes. Many users will also tell you that you are better off using web-based bookmarking services like delicious.
  • Instant Messaging:
    Sent/received files and chat logs.
    Although logs may not be as important (in fact, wiping them doesn't sound like a bad idea), IM programs tend to save received files at odd locations. With that in mind we suggest you check those folders for potentially unsaved data.
  • Others:
    Every shred of data you may need from financial applications, password manager data, OPML file from your RSS reader, media player library information and playlists.
Other things to consider
  • Take a few screenshots for your reference:
    I have learned over time that it's a good idea to take screenshots to make the reinstall process a breeze. I suggest taking screenshots of your desktop, Start menu, and installed programs list (from the Control Panel). Also anything with a lot of settings (e.g. firewall with a ton of exceptions), and a screenshot of all your Firefox add-ons, despite of having them backed up already.
  • Download installers in advance:
    Backing up may take a long while depending on where you are moving data, so downloading the latest versions of your hardware drivers and software applications in advance will save you time after reloading your OS to a clean state.
Did you know?
FEBE can back up and restore your Firefox bookmarks, cookies, extensions, passwords, preferences, themes and just about anything else. It is a must-have if you're running Firefox beyond a vanilla install.

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K2Know - IT || EP.67 Deciphering unknown fonts with 'WhatTheFont'

Deciphering unknown fonts with 'WhatTheFont'

I might be alone on this one, but I can't tell you how many times I've found an interesting font while browsing around only to be clueless about what it is. With tens of thousands of font types out there, trying to figure out exactly what you've come across can be a nightmare. There is no end to the list of "crafty" things I've tried while looking for an unknown font. I'm sure someone that's into graphic design or art in general can relate, as they're forced to decipher obscure fonts all the time. You know the common "tricks": pasting the text into a word processor in hopes that the formatting sticks, skimming the page's source code for a hint and so on. Sometimes they work - but often times the font you're after is in an image. hosts a service appropriately named "WhatTheFont" which can read and interpret an image of your mysterious font.
Ideally, the service suggests that characters in your image shouldn't be touching, they should have a distinct shape, be about 100 pixels tall and as horizontal as possible. After you upload the file, WhatTheFont will ask you if it chose the right characters for the letters in your image.
The next screen will present you with a few likely candidates to compare with the original image. Even if it doesn't find the identical font, it will show you some others that look close. If you like something you see, click on the image for more information, to play with some sample text in that style, or to buy the font.
Although it has yet to fail me, if WhatTheFont lets you down, the site has a forum full of font geeks ready and willing to identify your cryptic text.
Did you know?
Released by Microsoft in 1995, Comic Sans is so disliked today that there's even a movement to ban its use. Check out this great Wall Street Journal article about the font's history and its creator, Vincent Connare.

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K2Know - IT || EP.66 Understanding Windows 7 upgrade paths

Understanding Windows 7 upgrade paths

Windows 7 has already earned itself a blue ribbon, and it isn't even in stores yet. Many Vista users will migrate to Redmond's latest and greatest operating system in search of greener pastures, and countless Windows XP laggards will be lured from the woodwork by Windows 7's polish. Microsoft will be granting both XP and Vista users the right to buy "Upgrade" versions of Windows 7 which run for considerably less money. For example, the Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade is $120, versus its full version counterpart that will sell for $200. Similarly, Windows 7 Professional ($200/$300) and Ultimate ($220/$320) will be sold as Upgrade and Full versions.
Now, in terms of how you can perform an upgrade on a machine already running Windows, for some the in-place upgrade option will make the experience seamless; all your programs, files and settings will remain untouched coming from certain versions of Vista. However, for another significant portion of users, installing from scratch will be the only route available (and a recommended one at that).
Microsoft has released a chart to help users figure out what upgrade paths are open to them. Unfortunately, the chart is so cluttered and dysfunctional that it makes the whole process seem much more complicated than it really is. In an attempt to smooth things out for our readers, we've created a condensed, easy-to-digest reference with all of the potential upgrade paths.
Note that if your desired path isn't included in the table below, you will have to run a fresh install -- this includes Windows XP and Windows Vista Starter users.
Also realize that you can't mix architectures if you want to upgrade without a clean install. In other words, if you are presently running a 32-bit copy of Windows, you must upgrade to a 32-bit version of Windows 7 (likewise with 64-bit).

Installed version of Windows Vista Upgrade paths to Windows 7 Price
Vista Home Basic Windows 7 Home Premium, Ultimate $120, $220
Vista Home Premium Windows 7 Home Premium, Ultimate $120, $220
Vista Business Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate $200, $220
Vista Ultimate Windows 7 Ultimate $220

There are a couple more things worth noting here. While you can't perform a direct update from Windows Vista Home Basic or Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional, there is simple a workaround: You can run an in-place upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium, and then use Windows Anytime Upgrade to move up to Professional for an additional $90. The total upgrade cost amounts to $210, which is $10 more than a direct upgrade but still better than buying a full Professional license at $300.
Windows XP users are not limited in the version of Windows 7 they can upgrade to via a clean install. Additionally, users of XP may have a possible path to Windows 7, if absolutely necessary, though it's less than recommended. It's been suggested that one could upgrade to Vista using a spare or borrowed disc, skip activation altogether, and then run an in-place upgrade to Windows 7. This approach might take more work than just installing fresh, and results will surely vary. If anything, make sure to backup any precious data before having a go at it.
Did you know?
If you're 'stuck' without an upgrade path, don't fret. Use our backup checklist to ensure that your data is safe, and then look at our top applications to install after a fresh OS installation as a quick reference on what you should have installed after a reformat.

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K2Know - IT || EP.65 Place a Fully Functional Recycle Bin on your Windows 7 Taskbar

Place a Fully Functional Recycle Bin on your Windows 7 Taskbar

I'm not exactly sure when it became cool to abandon the use of your operating system's desktop, but a growing number of people these days prefer the "clean" look. Recent releases of Microsoft Windows seem to encourage this. By default, Windows Vista and 7 strip the desktop of all icons but the Recycle Bin. Try as you may, ignoring this lone icon is impossible. Sure, you can hide it in just a few seconds, but at the cost of losing quick access to deleted files. You could also drag the Recycle Bin icon to the taskbar, but then it will appear pinned under Windows Explorer -- requiring an extra click to open and offering half the functionality.
In this tip, we will show you one method of bringing a fully functional Recycle Bin to your Windows 7 Taskbar, so you can clear off your desktop once and for all with little to no compromise.
To get started, we'll have to bring out the Quick Launch bar. Rest assured, it will not replace the new Windows 7 Superbar -- in fact you won't even know Quick Launch is there. Right click on the Windows 7 Taskbar, hover over Toolbars and click New toolbar.

When prompted to provide a folder directory, enter the following string of text: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

After doing so, a labeled Quick Launch bar should appear near the clock. Odds are it will have several icons onboard, but since we won't be using this bar for anything apart from hosting the Recycle Bin I would just delete all of the shortcuts.

Right click on the Taskbar and uncheck Lock the taskbar if it isn't already. Now, right click on your Quick Launch bar and uncheck Show text, as well as Show title. Finally, right click and hover on View to select the size that your Recycle Bin icon will be -- I chose large to match my Superbar icons.

With the Quick Launch bar configured, all you have to do is drag and drop the Recycle Bin onto it. Feel free to grab the dotted lines and drag the Quick Launch bar to your preferred location. I would recommend either pulling it all the way to the left near the Start menu, or all the way right near the clock.

When you are satisfied with the position of your Quick Launch bar, relock the Taskbar and hide the Recycle Bin on your desktop by right-clicking an empty space and selecting Personalize, then clicking Change desktop icons in the left column of the Personalization window and un-checking the appropriate box.

Did you know?
Apple sued to prevent other software companies from offering graphical user interfaces similar to its own. The company lost most of its claims but courts agreed Apple's Trash icon was original and protected by copyright. Non-Apple software must use other metaphors for file deletion, such as Recycle Bin, Smart Eraser, or Shredder.

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K2Know - IT || EP.64 Get the Most Out of Your Google Search Results

Get the Most Out of Your Google Search Results

With Bing slowly but steadily rising in popularity Google is facing more pressure than ever to rejuvenate the search experience it has to offer. Sure, they still hold a clearly dominant share of the market at about 64.6% (versus 19.3% for its closest rival, Yahoo), but then again Google has proven to know better than to just rest on its laurels. Over the years, the Mountain View-based company has been enhancing its search engine not only to provide quality and relevant results, but also let users be more particular about their searches with dozens of special features and operators. Despite this, I am willing to bet that most people just use the vanilla search as is.
Fair enough. I mean Google is supposed to be easy to use, so why complicate it? Well, for starters, these functions are meant save you a lot of time and effort. I'm sure the more inquisitive of you know all about the basics, like quoting your searches to find exact matches, and then some -- but that's truly just the tip of the iceberg. Today we'll be highlighting some of our favorite Google search tricks.
Special Features
Beyond the standard word search capability, Google can quickly display things like the current time or weather of a particular city; it can be used to track packages; as a calculator for basic and fairly advanced math operations; and can convert things like currency, weights and measures.
Time and weather
To find the time in another corner of the globe simply enter "time" and then the name of a large city or country -- time Berlin for example. Likewise, weather humidity, temperature and forecast can be viewed by typing the word "weather" followed by the desired location.

Calculator and package tracking
Use Google for math equations by entering them as a query -- 3*2 will work, but so will a more complex calculation like 94/36*(sqrt 34)^3. Most symbols and integers can be swapped with written words, too. Typing the tracking number for your UPS, FedEx or USPS package directly into the search box will get you quick links to easily track the status of your shipment.

Unit conversions
Conversions are just as easy. Simply enter a number followed by something like USD to GBP, mm to inch, Fahrenheit to Celsius. Be it teaspoons, microseconds, bytes or kilometers, Google's conversion calculator is quite featured, and can be used for just about any unit that comes to mind.

Other tweaks
While all of that is handy and easy to use, things get much more intricate. By using the proper strings of text, you can even use Google search in place of a P2P program to find songs, video clips, and other media. There are also plenty of minor hacks and tweaks. For instance, Omgili shows how to tinker with a Google search URL to get real-time results. This is particularly useful for finding news related to current events; here's the latest on IDF (in progress as of this writing) within a 30 minute timeframe, by the way.
Query Refinements
Finally, below is a table of a few functions that we have found to be useful -- but they only scratch the surface, really. We would love to hear about the small search adjustments you make to refine or otherwise improve your Google results in the comments.

Function Purpose Example
+ Includes specified words. netbook +11.6 +ion
- Excludes specified words. gaming keyboard -logitech
* The standard wildcard symbol. Used as a placeholder for unknown words. traditional * food
~ Searches for words similar to the one it's paired with. first computer build ~help
.. Searches for a numeric range -- especially useful for dates or prices. halo pc $0..$15
define: Can be used for various things, including words, acronyms, and phrases to offer specialized search results. define:monkey see monkey do
filetype: Filters out results by specified file type. filetype:torrent ubuntu
related: A great way to find sites that have similar content.
site: Search for site-specific content. Lynnfield
Combining operators You can use most of these search functions in a single query to further enhance your results +microsoft +yahoo ~talks "Matthew DeCarlo"

Did you know?

Google is cooking up an innovative personal communication and collaboration tool dubbed Google Wave. In short, it is a web-based service, computing platform and protocol designed to unite email, IM, wiki, and social networking. Based on recent information posted on its blog, it appears like Google Wave may be entering the public beta phase next week.

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K2Know - IT || EP.63 Disabling Avira Antivir's Pop-up Advertisements

Disabling Avira Antivir's Pop-up Advertisements

If you have a free antivirus installed on your PC, there's a pretty good chance that it's either AVG or Avira -- both great options for the average person who needs a little protection. The inherent pitfall of many free applications is that they're packaged with nagware. For most people, closing or otherwise avoiding the occasional pop-up ad and other nuisance is fair trade for not having to dole out their hard earned dollars -- that said, I believe few would object to disabling nagware in a matter of a few clicks. We've already seen how to accomplish this with AVG 8.5 and AVG 9.0, and today we're going to have a crack at Avira.
If you read our article on AVG, you might recall how simple it was: rename (or delete) a few key files, and viola. Similarly, we need remove access to a file as a means of disabling the Avira Antivir's advertisements, and that file is avnotify.exe.
The underlying concept is the same: we're going to cripple avnotify.exe, but in this case renaming it won't put it out of commission. When Avira runs a standard virus signature update, avnotify.exe is automatically replaced if it's missing. Unfortunately, we'll have to jump through a few extra hoops this time around. We've broken things down for several major versions of Windows:
Windows XP Home
  1. Boot into Safe Mode (tap F8 after powering on your PC for a menu).
  2. Log into an account with administrator privileges.
  3. Navigate to your Avira program folder.
  4. Right click on the file avnotify.exe and select Properties.
  5. Click Edit > Traverse Folder/Execute File > Deny > OK.
  6. Reboot and enjoy.
Windows XP Professional
  1. Click Start, and then Run.
  2. Enter gpedit.msc.
  3. Navigate through User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System.
  4. Double click "Don't run specified Windows applications".
  5. Enable it and click show.
  6. Add "avnotify.exe" and click OK.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
  1. Go to the Avira program folder.
  2. Right click avnotify.exe and select Properties.
  3. Under the Security tab, select SYSTEM and click edit.
  4. Tick Read & Execute in the Deny column, and click OK.
The above methods should leave you with a nag-free Avira install, at least until an update comes along and wipes out how the ad is currently being called out. You could avoid this mess altogether of course, and install Microsoft's newly released Security Essentials, which is free and won't bug you with any nag screens -- or better yet, run no antivirus at all (not a joke, just a way of life).
If you have another preferred method of disabling Avira's popups, or even if you'd just like us to look into another product's nagware, share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Did you know?
Avira is a German based software company. Its antivirus application has been around since 1988, initially called "H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH" and later renamed to Antivir for commercial and aesthetic purposes. Avira sells a commercial version of the product. Its AV engine has been licensed to other renowned software vendors like Ashampoo, Ad-Aware and Webroot.

Header antivirus logo by Chris Dewey.

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K2Know - IT || EP.62 Turn Off your Display Using a Windows Shortcut and More

Turn Off your Display Using a Windows Shortcut and More

Although it may seem unnecessary at first thought, there is some practicality in having a software shortcut to instantly turn off your monitor. It could prove very useful with notebook computers, if yours doesn't have a keyboard shortcut for shutting down the screen. It could also be convenient in the presence of multiple monitors, your power button might be broken, or you may indeed just be that lazy. Whatever the case may be, setting up a Windows shortcut to turn off your display(s) couldn't be any easier with the help of a small utility called Wizmo, that can be downloaded here.
The downloaded file will be a small standalone executable. You'll want to move this file somewhere convenient for permanent keeping. I'm tossing mine in a new program folder (C:\Program Files\Wizmo).
Upon running the program, you'll notice that it doesn't present you with any options or functionality, and that's because this program is command based. To make stuff happen, you'll need to create a shortcut and add a recognizable command, something that you will learn can play to your advantage given the myriad of options available in Wizmo.
Once you have the executable (wizmo.exe) stored somewhere, right click the file and choose Create shortcut, which should give you a new file named "wizmo.exe - Shortcut".
Right click the new shortcut file, and choose Properties. Under the Shortcut tab, you should see a text box labeled Target. After the full filename path, enter a single space and the desired command. The command to turn off your monitor is -monoff.
Click OK and test it out by double clicking the shortcut. At this point your monitor should have gone blank. You can click your mouse button or perform some other action to bring back the display.
Assuming it works, it's up to you where you can to place this shortcut and how you want to customize it. For example, I renamed my shortcut to "Monitor Off" and placed it on my taskbar, then changed the icon to something more fitting.
To change the icon: Right click > Properties > Shortcut tab > Change icon > Browse > C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll > Open > Select icon > OK.
But the power of Wizmo doesn't stop there. Here we have illustrated a single one of its different potential uses. Using similar commands Wizmo can also put your PC in standby, hibernation, lock your workstation, reboot, open/close your CD drive's tray, set your system's audio level, and even combine the different commands.
For example: wizmo volume=0 monoff volume=40
That chain of commands will mute your computer and shut down the monitor(s), then upon your return increase the volume level to 40%.
For a full up to date list of commands head over to the utility's site.

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K2Know - IT || EP.61 Install Over 50 Freeware Apps Hands-Free with Ninite

Install Over 50 Freeware Apps Hands-Free with Ninite

If you’ve reinstalled an operating system in recent times, you surely realize how tedious the whole process can be. We have covered some aspects of this in the past, looking to simplify your experience with a list of top programs to grab after a fresh OS installation, as well as a comprehensive backup checklist. And while that should give you a neat jumpstart, we haven't entirely touched on how time-consuming it can be to actually download and then install every new app.
Not everyone has a speedy broadband Internet connection or a well-equipped PC, and tracking down a dozen or more pieces of software along with manually installing each one could easily burn an entire afternoon -- not counting the time it takes to get your new operating system up and running. To further compound that situation, what if you are doing it on more than one computer?
A nifty new service called Ninite tries to circumvent much of this pesky process by allowing you to select, download, and automatically install over 50 popular freeware applications from a single location. The programs span Web browsers, instant messengers, media players, image editors, office and document applications, anti-viruses, runtimes, developer tools, file sharing apps, compression software, various system utilities and more. It's not useless stuff either, we have featured many of those programs as our download of the week.
Ninite is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7 -- both 32 and 64-bit versions. To use the service, simply scroll through and select any program you're interested in, then click on Get Installer at the bottom of the page and save the executable.
If you're running Vista or Windows 7, right click on the saved EXE and choose Run as administrator. At this point, the executable should take off, and automatically grind out each program installation with default settings and without requiring any additional attention.
The installer provided by Ninite bypasses license agreements, though you are still obligated to comply with them. It also automatically excludes any browser toolbars and other junk that many freeware apps are often packaged with. In fact, Ninite's software isn't even installed in the process.
The service has been open to the public since late last month, and its catalog of software is growing by the day. Ninite makes it ridiculously easy for users to suggest an application at the bottom of their home page, so if your favorite freeware program isn't listed, feel free to notify them.
Have other time-saving tips for installing an operating system or subsequent software? We would love to hear about it in the comments.

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K2Know - IT || EP.60 Unearth Region-Specific Windows 7 Themes

Unearth Region-Specific Windows 7 Themes

Microsoft stepped up its game in more ways than one with the advent of Windows 7. The graphical user interface looks and functions better than in previous releases and is easy to customize. Without digging deep, even inexperienced users coming from Windows XP and Vista can see that Microsoft attempted to bring a degree of style to its latest operating system. Windows 7 ships with a number unique themes and desktop backgrounds, ranging from the traditional scenic landscapes to creepy character art. In all, though, there are only about 13 accessible themes, which can't really cover the broad spectrum of individual taste. While it's a breeze to tweak themes to something you like, having more stock configurations to choose from certainly wouldn't hurt, right?
As you may have noticed, at least one of the bundled themes in your Windows 7 installation is region-specific. This is determined during the installation or setup process when you select your location, which means that there are many more themes lurking on your hard drive for several large countries such as Russia, Japan, Canada, Australia, France, Brazil, Poland, Netherlands, Taiwan, and so on.
Finding and using these hidden theme packs is simple. Begin by opening a Windows Explorer window. Then enter windows\winsxs in the directory bar.
When you arrive at the specified path, search for *.theme (it'll probably take a few moments, be patient). Search results should include all of the stock themes available to you in the Personalization settings screen, along with themes for another 18 countries.
The country names will be abbreviated, but they are easy enough to decipher. Double click on a theme you're interested in and it will be instantly applied and saved under "My Themes" for quick access.
It is worth noting that all of the international themes can be downloaded via Microsoft's Personalization Gallery, along with various sponsored themes that include brands like soft drink companies, car manufacturers, and video games.
If you have your own favorite hole in the wall for Windows 7 themes or other customization tips, be sure to share them in the comments.

Did you know?
Themes bring back to memory a Windows 95 add-on pack offered by Microsoft called Plus!. Back in the day, the software giant charged $35 for the software companion that was "designed to fully exploit the power of 486 and Pentium class PC's." Besides some cool themes, the pack also included a 3D Pinball game and desktop enhancements like Full Window Drag, Font Smoothing, and Wallpaper Stretching. Do you recall running a Windows 95 PC with Plus!?

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K2Know - IT || EP.59 How to Change the Logon Screen on Windows 7

How to Change the Logon Screen on Windows 7

Be it screensavers, desktop wallpapers or font type and sizes, visual customization at the OS level is usually important to all kinds of users. Recognizing this, Microsoft has made it easier than ever to apply and adjust individual themes with Windows 7. We looked at this last week showing you how to find hidden themes buried in your hard drive as well as sponsored ones available through Microsoft's online Personalization Gallery.
This time around, we are going to show you how to customize the Windows 7 login screen. There are various methods to accomplish this, with and without third-party software. I understand many people might not want to rely on a third-party application, while others would appreciate a quicker, safer route. First up is the more hands-on approach, and then the utility.

Hands-on approach

This method will require you to modify the registry, and if that puts a knot in your stomach, you should move on to the next section.
Step 1: Open the Windows Start menu and enter regedit into the search bar.
Step 2: Right click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and select Find.

Step 3: Search for OEMBackground, which should be in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Authentication/LogonUI/Background. If the key does not exist, add a new DWORD value with the name OEMBackground.

Step 4: Double click on the entry OEMBackground, and change the value from 0 to 1.
Step 5: Open Windows Explorer and go to the following path: %windir%system32oobe.
Step 6: Create a new folder named info, and open it.
Step 7: Create a new folder within info named backgrounds.
Step 8: Rename your desired wallpaper as backgroundDefault.jpg and place it inside the folder backgrounds (images must be less than 245KB in size).
That should do the trick, now just lock your PC, log off or reboot and enjoy.

Third-party software

If you are uncomfortable with manually tinkering with the registry -- or simply have better things to be doing with your time -- we understand. Various third-party applications can change Windows 7's default logon wallpaper, but our personal favorite is's Logon Changer.
The software is ridiculously easy to use, doesn't require installation, and it even has built-in tools to automatically resize and recompress your images while leaving the original file untouched. The Logon Changer also lets you quickly change your logon wallpaper back to the Windows 7 default.
Start by downloading the app here, and then unzip the executable. Run the program and it should present you with a preview of your logon screen along with a few self-explanatory options: "Change Logon Screen" lets you browse to a new image, "Test" will bring up your logon screen, "Revert to Default Logon Screen" reapplies Windows 7's original wallpaper.
Also read: Computer Tips & Tricks Everyone Should Know
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K2Know - IT || EP.58 How to Bring a Lost Window Back to your Desktop

How to Bring a Lost Window Back to your Desktop

At one point or another, you're bound to run into this pesky issue: you can see an application open in the taskbar, but can't see the window on your desktop. A number of things can cause this, such as disconnecting your laptop from a secondary display before dragging the windows back to the primary desktop. It can also occur when you open a program that alters your resolution, among a few others. Restarting your PC may not be viable, because the inaccessible program window could contain unsaved data -- not to mention that it's never fun to reboot without a good reason. There are a couple of tricks to get your stray window back on screen:
Get it back on Windows 7
Bring the troubled window to focus by clicking on it in the taskbar (or Alt+Tab). Now you can simply hold the Windows key on your keyboard and tap the arrow keys. With any luck, your missing window will snap back into view.
If that doesn't work, you can use another keyboard trick...
Select the application window by clicking on it in the taskbar, then tap Alt + Space, which will open a menu on the missing window. Obviously you won't be able to see the menu, but can still interact with it. Tap "M" on your keyboard to select "Move" on the menu, and then use the keyboard arrow keys to reposition the window back to your desktop.
If all else fails, right-click on your taskbar and select "Cascade windows".
For Windows Vista and earlier
Right-click on the program in your taskbar and choose "Move". Now use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the window. You can also right-click on your taskbar and choose "Cascade windows", which will automatically stack your windows in an overlapping pile.
Have another method of bringing a lost window back into view? Share it in the comments.

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K2Know - IT || EP.57 Prevent Windows Update From Automatically Restarting Your PC

Prevent Windows Update From Automatically Restarting Your PC

Windows Update's automatic reboot can be one of the most annoying "features" in Microsoft operating systems. While it's a bit less pushy with Windows Vista and 7, allowing users to postpone the restart for up to four hours, you may not be at the computer to intercept the first or subsequent notifications.
In many cases this isn't a major deal. However, it can be frustrating if you step away from a work session and come back to a freshly rebooted system. You might also be downloading a large file or letting a lengthy operation run while away from your PC, expecting it to be finished upon return.
Fortunately there are various workarounds available. Today we will mention a few that have been tested to work in XP, Vista and Windows 7 systems.

Temporary Workarounds

The methods below will disable the nagging reminders after Windows Update runs by stopping the associated service. They are only temporary solutions because Windows will automatically start the service again when you reboot, which means you might be faced with the same problem the next time Windows updates are installed. In other words, this is your one-time off solution.
Windows XP: Open Start > Run and enter the following command: net stop "automatic updates" OR sc stop wuauserv. You can also suspend the process with PsSuspend and the command pssuspend wuauclt.
Windows Vista/7: Open Start and search for cmd. Right click on the found program and click Run as administrator. Enter the command net stop "windows update" and you're good to go. Likewise, you can suspend the process with PsSuspend and the command pssuspend wuauclt.

Permanent Fix

Unfortunately most of the everlasting system tweaks out there are unavailable to "Home" users -- that includes even Home Premium versions as these lack the group policy editor and a few other "advanced" Windows features. However, the third party application Shutdown Guard works well, and even prevents other applications from rebooting your PC.
For users of Professional, Ultimate and other upper-tier versions of Windows, you can adjust a few things in your group policy settings or system registry:
Windows XP: Start > Run > enter gpedit.msc. Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update. Double click "No auto-restart for scheduled Automatic Updates installation," then choose Enabled and click OK.
Windows Vista/7: Start > search for gpedit.msc. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update and enable "No auto-restart for scheduled Automatic Updates installations".
All non-Home users can apply the same policy change by adding a new key to the registry. Go to Start > Run/Search for regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows WindowsUpdate AU. Create a new 32-bit DWORD value named NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and give it a value of 1. You can also download and double click on this registry key to add the key automatically.

Did you know?

Keeping your operating system up to date is vital to having a malware-free computer. But even with Windows fully patched, any of your installed applications can be a potential point of entry for attackers should you forget to grab the latest version available. Utilities such as Secunia's PSI can provide an extra layer of protection by scanning your computer for installed software, and then warning you of potentially unsafe applications that have available updates.

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K2Know - IT || EP.56 Enable Windows 7's Hidden "God Mode"

Enable Windows 7's Hidden "God Mode"

As indicated by enthusiasts around the Web, there is a simple way to access a hidden "God Mode" in Windows 7 and Vista. With a name like that, your expectations might be a little high -- and no, Windows is not secretly invincible -- but the trick is awesome nevertheless. "God Mode" simply provides users with a centralized Control Panel for all of Windows' settings, from changing your desktop background to setting up a VPN or partitioning your hard drive. In all, there are nearly 50 categories and most have several entries.
It's almost comical how simple it is to access it:

  1. Create a new folder. Anywhere is fine, I created one on my desktop.

  2. Rename the folder to: God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} *Note: The "God Mode" chunk can be called anything you want.

  3. The default folder icon will change to a Control Panel icon, and you can open it to view all of the settings.
User reports suggest that it may crash Windows Vista 64-bit, so proceed with caution. For what it's worth, I've successfully used the "feature" on Windows 7 Home Premium and Ultimate 64-bit.
As an additional note, having the undocumented feature disclosed all over the Web, Microsoft has decided to be more open about it admitting similar commands have been available even before Vista. They have also revealed other text strings that create similar "God Mode" folders, a list is available here.

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K2Know - IT || EP.55 Effortless Ways to Download Video Content From YouTube and Other Sites

Effortless Ways to Download Video Content From YouTube and Other Sites

If you've browsed the Web at all in the last few years, there's a good chance you've watched a ton of YouTube videos. The site serves over a billion every day both on their own and through the zillions of sites that choose to embed videos hosted on their platform. We bet at least once you've wondered about downloading a clip and although there are many tips and services around to help you accomplish such a feat, here's a few we consider to be the best.
A two-year-old post on the Google Operating System blog offers the easiest. Simply add this bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks, load a YouTube page with a video, and then clicking the bookmarklet will provide you a direct download of the video in various qualities including 720p/1080p and in the MP4 format.
This method should work just fine for Internet Explorer 8, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Here's a short video showing how it works (ironically hosted at competing service vimeo):
Many popular media players can handle MP4 files, such as Windows Media Player, VLC, MPlayer, iTunes, QuickTime, and my personal favorite, Zoom Player. If you need to convert the video, there are plenty of free applications around like MyVideoConverter, Total Video Converter, Any Video Converter. I generally use Xilisoft's Video Converter Ultimate, but it'll cost you.
Most or all of those applications can also convert MP4 files to MP3 if you're after the audio only. There are also more automated approaches. Various free online services will automatically convert the YouTube content to an audio or video file for you to download, and there are seemingly dozens of Firefox add-ons that will do the same.
A Firefox favorite, Video DownloadHelper works on dozens of sites besides YouTube (MySpace, DailyMotion, Porkolt, iFilm, DreamHost, etc.) and includes a slew of configuration and automatic conversion options. 1-Click YouTube Video Download is less feature-rich and works by placing direct download links on YouTube pages so you can save the content in FLV, MP4, and 3GP formats.
Do you prefer another solution to download video content? Share your comments here.

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K2Know - IT || EP.54 Maximize SSD Performance with the SSD Tweak Utility

Maximize SSD Performance with the SSD Tweak Utility

If you're an early adopter of solid-state drive technology, odds are you're interested in squeezing every last drop of performance out of your system otherwise you probably wouldn't have spent $300 on 80GB of storage (or considerably more than that a few months ago). There's a wealth of information to be had about SSD tweaking and with a bit of research you'll find various adjustments for Windows that can help you make the most of your drive. The thing is, to fine tune Windows, you'll waste a lot of time navigating menus and that's where SSD Tweak Utility steps in.
A user on the OCZ forums created a utility that gives you centralized access to all the popular SSD configuration points within Windows. The SSD Tweak Utility lets you fiddle with the following:
  • Windows Indexing Service
  • System Restore
  • Windows Defrag
  • Use Large System Cache
  • Ntfs Memory Usage
  • Disable 8.3 Filenames
  • Disable Date Stamping
  • Disable Boot Tracing
  • Windows Prefetcher
  • Windows Vista Superfetch
  • Windows Services
The software is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (both 32 and 64-bit). It's also worth mentioning that the program only makes adjustments to Windows at the OS level, so it should work with any SSD brand or model. I tested it using a second-gen Intel X25-M on Windows 7 Home Premium and Ultimate x64 as well as Windows XP x86 without a problem.
The SSD Tweak Utility recommends which settings to disable for optimal SSD performance, and if you're a little unsure there is an auto-tweak feature that offers a brief walkthrough. This should come as a great addition to a tip we ran in December about reclaiming storage space with a few simple steps within Windows.
Are you running a SSD on your desktop or laptop now? What brand and model did you choose, and how do you like it against your old standard HDD? Share your comments here.

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K2Know - IT || EP.53 Take Ownership of Windows 7 and Vista Files with a Shortcut

Take Ownership of Windows 7 and Vista Files with a Shortcut

While Windows 7 is a largely polished upgrade from Vista, a few headaches have carried over. Among them is a security feature that assigns ownership of many system and program files to an entity called "TrustedInstaller." Such a design is useful in the presence of inexperienced users, who might otherwise accidentally delete or modify important files. However, for the tech savvy, it can be an aggravating obstacle.
Taking ownership generally requires you to dive in and out of GUI menus, or break out the command prompt. It's far more complicated than it needs to be, and thankfully, there's a very basic fix that should work on any 32 or 64-bit copy of Windows Vista or 7. The shortcut consists of placing a "Take Ownership" option on the context (right-click) menu.
Begin by downloading this zip file, which contains two registry files: one that adds the shortcut and the other that removes it should you no longer want to have this option available.
Assuming all goes well, you should be informed that the necessary registry keys have been successfully added. If the shortcut doesn't work for you, or simply doesn't suit your needs, run Remove_Take_Ownership and the registry entries will be deleted.
For all those neat freaks out there (you know who you are), we also recommend reading this tip that describes how to access your Windows 7's extended context menu, as well as how to edit, add, and remove items on it.
Finally, on a somewhat related note, there's a Firefox add-on that lets you modify your status bar icons, so you can keep that tidy clean install look no matter what.

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